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Treatment for Bunions in Windsor

Are your bunions causing pain and discomfort? At Complete Foot Care & Orthotic Centre in Windsor, we craft a personalized treatment plan for your bunions. We try to determine the bunions' root cause to prevent it from worsening. Get in touch with us to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.


At Complete Foot Care & Orthotic Centre, we can provide reliable heel and arch pain treatments through our expert orthopedics. We can also help you with habits and practices that are generally good for your feet. By putting our guidance into practice, you will be able to have healthier feet and will be able to stay mobile for a long time. We also treat conditions such as arthritis and plantar fasciitis.

What Is a Bunion?

A bunion is a bone deformity that arises when the joint at the base of the big toe enlarges, causing the big toe to shift toward the second toe. This often leads to swelling of the surrounding tissues. Over time, bunions can become increasingly problematic. As you walk, they frequently rub against your footwear, resulting in friction, irritation, and redness. With each step, the joint affected by the bunion flexes, causing discomfort and pain. If left untreated, bunions can progress to the point of causing chronic and persistent pain.


Many people confuse bunions for other foot conditions. Some consider them temporary foot issues that will go away with time. However, this approach will only contribute to increasing discomfort and pain. Some of the symptoms of a bunion are:

A protruding bump that has developed on the side of the base of your big toe
Regular corns and calluses as a result of your big toe and second toe coming in contact all the time
Minimal movement in your big toe

Swelling, pain, and redness around your big toe

In some cases, a bunion might not cause any symptoms. If you notice any of these signs or anything else amiss with your feet, we recommend scheduling an appointment with us. Ignoring the issue will most definitely worsen it. 


Numerous studies indicate that they might form as a result of:

Foot injuries
Foot stresses
Deformities at birth
Flat feet
Tight shoes

All of these can put pressure on the big toe joint. With time, the constant pressure forces the big toe out of alignment, bending it towards the other toes.

What Are the Types of Bunions?

While bunions are most commonly found on the big toe, there are several other types of bunions, such as:

Congenital hallux valgus: These are bunions that people are born with.

Juvenile or adolescent hallux valgus: Kids and teens between 10 and 15 develop the type of bunions.

Tailor’s bunion: This type of bunion is also known as a bunionette. It is formed on the outside base of the little (pinky) toe.

Treatment for Bunions

It is important to note that bunions are deformities of the bone, which is why they will not heal on their own. However, there is no one treatment for bunions, and different approaches work for different people. We focus on minimizing the irritation and discomfort that your bunion might have caused. We then devise a treatment plan to prevent further enlargement. Some of the different treatment strategies include:

Protective padding to eliminate friction
Elimination of corns and calluses
Updating your footwear to accommodate the growth
Orthotic devices
Surgical treatment
And more

Contact us today if you would like to learn more about our bunion treatment options. We work to create a strategy according to your situation. For instance, the treatment for a still-growing adolescent with a bunion might differ from that of a senior.

Steps to Prevent Bunions

Proper footwear, such as shoes with deep and wide toe boxes and good arch supports, can prevent bunions. Avoid tight or heeled shoes that put pressure on the big toe joint.

Preventing Bunions: The Role of Footwear and Orthotics

When it comes to preventing bunions, the right choice of footwear and orthotic support plays a crucial role in safeguarding your foot health. Bunions often develop due to the consistent pressure and friction exerted on the joint at the base of the big toe, leading to misalignment. Taking proactive steps in your everyday choices can significantly reduce the risk of developing bunions.

Select the right footwear:

Opt for shoes with a broad toe box: One of the primary considerations in bunion prevention is choosing shoes that offer a generous toe box. This design feature provides sufficient room for your toes, allowing them to spread naturally within the shoe. By reducing the constriction and compression of your toes, these shoes alleviate pressure on the big toe joint, minimizing the risk of bunion formation.

Choose shoes with good arch support: Another essential feature to seek in your footwear is proper arch support. Adequate arch support ensures that your feet maintain the correct alignment, a key factor in bunion prevention. It minimizes the strain on your big toe joint by distributing your body weight evenly across your feet.

Avoid high heels and tight shoes: High-heeled shoes, as well as those that are overly tight or narrow, force your toes into unnatural positions. This unnatural positioning increases the risk of bunion formation. Therefore, it's advisable to steer clear of such footwear choices, particularly if you have a family history of bunions or already show early signs of this condition. Opting for shoes with a slightly lower heel or, better yet, no heel at all can significantly decrease the likelihood of developing bunions.

Embrace orthotic support:

Reduce friction and pressure: Orthotics can effectively redistribute pressure and reduce friction on the bunion-prone area, relieving discomfort and preventing further development.

Support correct foot alignment: Custom orthotic inserts can help maintain the apt alignment of your feet, preventing the progression of bunions.

Post-bunion surgery maintenance: If you've undergone bunion surgery, orthotic devices can aid in maintaining surgical results, preventing the condition from recurring.

Stabilize the foot arch: Orthotics support the foot arch, promoting balance and alignment while preventing undue pressure on the big toe joint.

Ensure comfort and mobility: Well-designed orthotic devices enhance comfort, allowing you to stay mobile and active while reducing the risk of bunions.

Promote long-term foot health: Using orthotics and the right footwear contributes to long-term foot health by preventing bunions and related issues.

By making informed choices in your footwear and considering the benefits of orthotic support, you can actively reduce the likelihood of developing bunions and enjoy a lifetime of comfortable, healthy feet. These steps are preventative and proactive, ensuring your foot health remains a top priority.

Do You Have Bunions?

Consult our experienced professionals today for a quick bunions treatment in Windsor.

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